Real Property Management Indianapolis Edge

Avoid Legal Trouble By Knowing Anderson Property Management Laws

Prospective rental property owners need to know that there are plenty of laws, codes, and regulations that go along with Anderson property management. It’s important to be familiar with these laws if you want to avoid legal trouble. You don’t have the money to put toward court costs and legal fees, and you certainly don’t have a lot of free time to research and study up on every issue that could crop up.

Other Indianapolis property management companies may not be there for you, but the experts at Real Property Management Indianapolis Edge want to enlighten you on some laws you should know.

Americans with Disabilities Act:

This act requires that you do not discriminate against any tenants with disabilities. It also states that you must allow tenants to install adequate access features, such as a wheelchair ramp. You can ask a tenant with disabilities to put the rental property back to its original condition when they move out, but you should not prevent them from making the property more usable for their situation. This act also prohibits landlords for restricting or charging for service animals.

Habitability Laws:

Although each state is different, most habitability laws require that your rental property is “habitable” or “livable” for an individual or family. You should also be aware of licensing requirements when you have a maintenance issue. If an unlicensed professional gets hurt when performing a repair, you could have a major lawsuit on your hands.

Fair Housing Laws:

You cannot discriminate against anyone from renting your residence based on gender, race, religion, color, sex, national origin, handicap, or familial status. States can also add other protected classes, and a violation of these laws could really cost you.

Collection and Eviction Laws:

You can’t collect rent any way you want. There are certain steps you have to follow in Anderson property management. The same goes for evicting residents from your rental property. There are strict rules for evictions, so make sure you take the proper steps.

Our experts at Real Property Management Indianapolis Edge have the knowledge and expertise to help you avoid legal trouble. Our in-house legal team is there to assist you no matter what the situation. Contact us today!