Real Property Management Indianapolis Edge

Is Your Rental Property a Potential Hazard to Your Tenants?

As a Fishers landlord, you desire your tenants to feel safe and comfortable in their rental home. Though occasionally, potentially hazardous circumstances can happen unless you are making use of some special precautions to avoid them. This article will set out the three most common household hazards, most of which could make your tenants very sick– or, moreover, become deadly if left unrestrained. To be certain that your rental property isn’t a hazard to your tenants, it’s significant to recognize what those common household hazards are and how to prevent them.

Toxic Mold

Molds develop in moist areas where a food source, like cardboard or paper, is present. Mold usually makes a musty smell, which is mostly the initial sign most people notice. There are several different kinds of molds, a lot of which are hideous but not, in particular, harmful to people. Stachybotrys, or black mold, however, can bring about allergic reactions and other symptoms to those sensitive to their spores. This is a big problem because toxic told can cause respiratory distress and, in extreme cases, anaphylactic shock.

The great news is that preventing mold from growing in a rental home is relatively easy. Merely running an exhaust fan in steamy bathrooms, airing out the house, or installing a dehumidifier in the basement can all keep mold away from your property. But, however, if you do see black mold, it’s essential to call in a professional who can remove it safely – and iron out the source of the moisture causing the mold in the first place!


There’s little question that asbestos is a big problem, specifically for older rental homes. But really, as long as the asbestos is sealed within walls or other closed areas, it’s relatively harmless – as long as it’s not disturbed. If you have asbestos in your rental property walls, you must ensure that your tenant knows not to drill holes or otherwise cause openings in the walls, even to pound in a nail. Additionally, even small openings could let asbestos penetrate the home and induce mesothelioma cancer.

Asbestos removal requires the use of licensed professionals to prevent asbestos-related illnesses; you should not try to remove it yourself or make anyone do it without the right equipment to do so.


Household fires are an ordinary case in the United States. It is computed that an average of seven people dies every day from house fires. Oil and other ingredients result in cooking fires, while dryer lint is the greatest culprit of fires that start in the laundry room. Faulty appliances, electrical issues, and untended candles are other greatest contributors to household fires.

To prevent fires in your rental home, there are a lot of things you should do. First, do what you can to make certain that your rental home is free of electrical issues, and have the dryer vent cleaned annually. Second, educate your tenants on fire safety, and provide them with fire extinguishers, working smoke detectors, and other needs. By observing these effortless actions, you can exceedingly lessen the probability that your rental property will go up in flames.


Ensuring the health and safety of your tenants is a big duty and can be very time-consuming. Why not let the experts help? At Real Property Management Indianapolis Edge, our comprehensive property management and tenant relations programs are designed to keep both your property and your tenants safe. To know more related to the services we offer, call us at 317-420-8500 or contact us online today!