Real Property Management Indianapolis Edge

Four Tips on How to Handle Negative Tenants

A light bulb is out. The dishwasher is flooding the apartment. Someone parked in the wrong spot. The air conditioning quit working. The list of potential problems for a rental property goes on and on and on. But routine maintenance and repair problems are easier to manage if tenants aren’t angry, upset, or frustrated with you, their landlord. “It’ll be easy to rent out my house,” you might think as a DIY landlord. But savvy property managers know that soothing the negative or offended feelings of tenants is a regular part of property management.

Indianapolis landlords trust Real Property Management Indianapolis Edge professionals to tactfully communicate with owners and tenants and resolve any crisis or problem. Here are five tips on how to successfully deal with stressful situations with tenants:

  1. Look at your rental property as a business, not as an emotional investment. Let’s face it; no tenant will take care of the rental property as carefully as you would like. But approaching tenants from a business viewpoint will help you keep your cool when problems arise.
  2. Try and see the situation from a tenant’s perspective. Tenants want to feel safe and secure in their rental property, and as a landlord, it’s your job to help them feel at home. Problems become easier to handle when you can see a problem through the eyes of a renter.
  3. Have open channels of communication so tenants can reach you. Nothing is more frustrating to tenants than AWOL property managers. At Real Property Management Indianapolis Edge, our experts respond to emails and phone calls promptly and efficiently, 24/7.
  4. Make sure you communicate clearly before eviction is necessary. Evictions can be uncomfortable, hostile, and costly for tenants and property management. Indianapolis landlords rely on Real Property Management Indianapolis Edge to give regular notices, late fees, and warnings. And if all steps have been followed, we take the appropriate legal action.

Being calm and collected in the face of an angry tenant is a part of being a property manager. Negative encounters with tenants can be avoided with a level head and turning to Real Property Management Indianapolis Edge professionals. You’ll find yourself saying, “If I rent out my house, Real Property Management Indianapolis Edge can help with anything.” Don’t wait until confrontations come. Our experts are here to help you today, so call and ask for a free consultation.