Real Property Management Indianapolis Edge

What to Inspect When You’re Inspecting: The Importance of Conducting Regular Inspections

Inspections should not be dreaded by Indianapolis investment property owners, and instead should be looked upon as a time to make improvements on your property. It can be a way to make more money, make your properties safer, and even spread out costs. For do-it-yourself landlords, it can be hard to know exactly what you are looking for when conducting inspections, so we have put together some tips from the Indianapolis property management pros.

Inspection Musts from Our Indianapolis Real Property Management Indianapolis Edge Company

Placing property inspections or reviews on the back burner is doing a disservice to yourself, your tenants, and your property. It’s not safe, and in many cases, it isn’t legal. One of the reasons we have become a leader in the Indianapolis property management industry is because we take the time to carefully check the property during routine inspections for issues that can easily escalate.

Not sure what to look for? Cover your basics:

During the property review, take note of any new damage done to the property, and document it with pictures. Any issues that are discovered need to be addressed in writing when the review is complete. From there, you can work on ways to solve the issue – whether that means you are going to require cooperation from your tenant or you need to hire a professional to fix something.