Real Property Management Indianapolis Edge

Seasonal Maintenance Tips for Fall

Autumn is almost here, and better Zionsville property management begins with preparing your property for cooler weather. Other Indianapolis property management companies may tell you to wait to fix something until it’s broken, but that’s not our motto at Real Property Management Indianapolis Edge. We encourage our clients to be prepared and perform the following fall maintenance:

Check Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Units

If you want theses units to last you a long time, then you should clean or replace the AC and ventilation system filters. Also, check that the heater is working, and take care to remove any buildup on fans and airways, and bleed radiators and cover your A/C unit if you need to. If your rental property has a basement, check the level of humidity and any humidifiers to ensure they are working as they should.

Conduct a Fall Property Inspection

Zionsville property management owners conduct regular property inspections at least quarterly. As fall begins, have an inspector check that all windows, doors, locks, plumbing, appliances, and other aspects of the property are in order.

Perform Fall Landscaping

Yes, the spring flowers are disappearing, but that doesn’t mean you can neglect the outside of your property. Now is the time to fertilize the lawn, prune trees and shrubs, and remove any plants or roots that impact the siding or brick of the home.

Have a Fireplace? Hire a Chimney Sweep Company

Nothing’s worse than a broken fireplace on a cold and blustery day. Before it starts to snow, hire a chimney sweep service to inspect your chimney and fireplace to be sure it’s working as it should.

At Real Property Management Indianapolis Edge, we hold ourselves to a higher standard than those other Indianapolis property management companies. Give us a call today!